Maputo (Mozambique). On 2 February 2022, in the Provincial House of Maputo, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of St. John Bosco Province (MOZ) received the visit of the Ambassador of Japan to Mozambique, Mr. Senhor Kimura Hajime, with the aim of financial support for the Project of the construction of the Library and Computer Room of Mary Mazzarello Secondary School in Pemba, in the Province of Cabo Delgado.
In the last three years, this Province has been hit by clashes and guerrillas that prevent school continuity and cause the displacement of students from their villages towards the city of Pemba, where many are welcomed in the FMA School.
Present at the visit of the Ambassador were the Provincial, Sr. Carolina Ilda Herminio, the FMA of the Community of the Provincial House, the lay collaborators, and a representative of the Schools: six students from St. John Bosco School of Jardim, Maputo, some pupils of Mother Mazzarello School of Pemba, and four girls from the Mary Help of Christians Reception Center of Namaacha, from the Province of Cabo Delgado, who had to leave their homeland with their families.
This official act marks a stage in the collaboration between the Embassy of Japan and the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians present in Mozambique, as stated by the Ambassador himself, showing interest in educational work and expressing the desire to support projects also in the other FMA presences.
With Mary Mazzarello School Project, the Educating Community and the neighboring districts of the city of Pemba will be able to use a large Library and Computer Room in the coming months, as spaces for research and study, in favor of the formation of young people.
In the year in which the FMA Institute celebrates 150 years of foundation and 70 years of missionary presence in Mozambique, the FMA do not cease to wager on the education and promotion of young people. The integral education of children, adolescents, and young people is in fact a sign of hope for this country, which has been in search of peace for years.
On the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord and the celebration of Consecrated Life, the visit of the Ambassador was for the FMA of the Province a reason for gratitude to Providence, which does not fail if one works for and among the poorest.