La Ceja (Colombia). From 9 to 12 October 2018 San José Novitiate in La Ceja hosted the seminar on the historic Iter of the Constitutions of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians led by Sister Cecilia Romero, FMA with the participation of the Novitiates of the Interprovincial Conference of the Bolivarian Nations (CINAB): San Jose Novitiate in La Ceja, and Mary Help of Christians Novitiate in Manizales in Colombia.
The purpose of the seminar is to study and know the history of the Constitutions, in order to love them and incarnate them as novices and future FMA, deepening in them the project of love that grows progressively over time. It is an invitation to allow oneself to be shaped by the Constitutions and to live the virtues to achieve holiness and salvation of the soul: ‘Save! Saving, Save yourself’.
The Seminar was a charismatic adventure; going to the original fonts of the Constitutions allowed the Novices to experience the spirituality and mission of the Institute.
“With the witness of the life and joy of living our vocation, Sr. Cecilia Romero transmitted to us her spiritual and human riches and knowledge of life, arousing in our heart a deep desire to live the spirit of our Founders by being faithful to the love of God outlined in the Constitutions”.
The days were lived in an atmosphere of joyful fraternity. “We feel we are living in a family that belongs entirely to Mary and in fraternal joy as in the first community of Mornese. We are living experiences that mark our life and our formation with spaces of recreative and familiar relaxation in which each of us is able to offer the community the gifts and talents the Lord has given us to contribute to the recreational activities”.
At the end of the encounter, the Novices visited Tutucán – Comfama de Rionegro, an opportunity to strengthen the bonds of fraternity and the spirit of joy.