Rome (Italy). In the Message of Christmas Greetings, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Sr. Chiara Cazzuola, focuses on the search for the Magi:

Dearest Sisters,

This Christmas I would like to reflect with you on the verse from Matthew’s Gospel which sees the Magi in search of the King of the Jews, “We saw his star at its rising and have come to adore him” (Mt 2:2).

Strange personages the Magi. They leave their security to seek a path that leads them far away. There is no precise information about them. Almost nothing is known; we only know that they come from the east and follow a star.

They are pilgrims of the Light, the light that illumines every person; the light of which the star is the proclamation and promise. The star. A sign that comes from heaven to indicate that darkness is vanquished forever. The great painter, Van Gogh, wrote that the need for God drove him to go out at night to paint the stars. Yes, because God made us like this, kneaded with a desire for the infinite and oriented, like the magi, towards the stars.

Adoring God means learning to be with Him, to stop and dialogue with Him, feeling that His presence is the truest, the best, the most important of all. Adoring the Lord means declaring before Him that He is the only God of our life, of our history.

The Magi who leave at the rising of the star teach us that in life, we must always start again every day. Faith is like a fascinating, if often difficult, journey always in search of God. We, like the magi, will learn that even in the darkest nights a star shines. It is the star of Jesus that lights up our life.

We have seen the star!

We are at the conclusion of the celebration of the 150th anniversary of the foundation of our Institute and the star makes me think of an episode in our history.

It was the feast of the Epiphany of 1872 when we saw a star and welcomed the missionary call!

Since that day, the star of hope shines in the Church for young men and women all over the world. Since that day, we have been entrusted with the mission of being stars that shine in the world to illumine our contemporaneity with light and hope and to continue the journey, listening to the words that Pope Francis told us when meeting with the Chapter Members on 22 October of 2021:

“The great responsibility is to collaborate with the creativity of the Holy Spirit, to revisit the charism and ensure that it expresses its vitality today. From this derives true ‘youth’, because the Spirit makes all things new … Do not forget the grace of the origins, the humility and smallness of the beginnings that made God’s action transparent in the life and in the message of those who, filled with amazement, began this journey. Mary Help of Christians will help you. You are her daughters!”.

With this certainty, we welcome the mystery of Christmas into our lives, into the life of families, of Educating Communities. We entrust to the protection of Mary, Mother and Helper, Queen of Peace, the situations of suffering and difficulty in which our Sisters and Educating Communities find themselves due to war, violence, poverty, trampled rights.

We saw a star! A Light, Jesus, who illumines the future of humanity even in the most hidden places on earth! A Star, Jesus, the true light!

With these sentiments I wish a peaceful Holy Christmas, in the joy and light of contemplating this mystery and in thanksgiving to the Father for his infinite mercy toward a world that yearns more and more for hope and peace.

Merry Christmas!

Rome, 24 December 2022

Suor Chiara Cazzuola
Superior General of the FMA Institute

Text of the Message


  1. Obrigada Madre Chiara pelas sua mensagem Natalícia profunda e radiante de alegria divina que faz de nós as estrelas que Deus precisa no presente e no lugar onde nós encontramos.
    Pois, ao ouvir a sua mensagem o nosso coração reanima-se e tal como os Magos faz-nos sair da nossa comodidade e egoísmo para nós encontrarmos cada dia com as estrelas dos nossos destinatários que nos revelam a grande estrela-Jesus-nosso tudo.
    Feliz e abençoado Natal para todo o nosso querido Instituto

  2. Grazie Madre CHIARA ,
    per il messaggio ricevuto cosi reale nelle nostre realtá che viviamo di sofferenza per causa delle guerre.
    Abbiamo Celebrato qui nella Bella Amazonia a 32 gradi , il caldo di un Dio che viene a noi proprio come esempio di semplicita.
    Che bello il saluto nelle varie lingue di tutto il consiglio Generale !
    Un forte augurio nel nuovo anno che arriva 2023 !

  3. Querida Madre Chiara! Um profundo obrigada pela linda mensagem com os augúrios natalinos! Do coração da Amazônia, o Filho de Deus encarnado em todas as realidades, nos envolva em sua luz renovando-nos a Esperança, confirmando-nos em sua Paz e no Amor que se faz gestos de proximidade, perdão, ternura…a fim de que tenhamos corações ardentes, pés a caminho! Deus a recompense por toda sua doação generosa ao Instituto!

  4. Grazie Madre Chiara. Che la luce di Cristo sía la Stella polare della nostra vita. Anche María, Stella Maris, ci guidi sempre nel cammino.
    Santo Natale e buon anno.

  5. Cara madre Chiara, di tutto il cuore e con tanta gioia la ringrazio per gli auguri del Santo Natale 2022 “Abbiamo visto la sua stella” messaggio molto profondo che ha consolidato la mia gioia di essere FMA. Sono Sr Maria Grazia Neeman dell’Ispettoria Africa Centrale (Congo/kinshasa) , la comunità ” Nostra Signora della Consolata” Kinshasa.
    A nome delle mie sorelle della comunità e dell’Ispettoria ricambio gli auguri di Santo e Felice Natale unito alla nostra preghiera riconscente.


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