Tam Ha (Vietnam). On 7 October 2024 in Tam Ha, at Saint Joseph House, headquarters of the Mary Help of Christians Province (VTN), ten young people began the Postulancy stage in the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

With Mary, become one in Jesus is the theme life chosen by the young people, inspired by the Word of God “There is one bread, therefore, though we are many, we are one body” (1 Cor. 10:17), manifesting their desire to fully live out their vocation with Mary and become one in the mystery of God’s love.

On the morning of 7 October, Sr. Maria Hoang Thi Thu Ha, the Provincial shared and helped them to reflect on the image of a merchant looking for beautiful pearls. With three verbs – Seek, find and buy – she helped them look back at their dynamism in searching for God, their ability to discern and their determination to choose the Lord.

The rite of accepting the Postulants was celebrated in the evening prayer of the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary at the chapel of the Provincial House in Thu Duc city. Attending the prayer and ceremony were Sr. Lidia Strzelczyk – the Visiting Councilor of the FMA Institute, on canonical visit to Vietnam – the Provincial, Sr. Teresa Uong Thi Doan Trang, the Provincial Councilor of Formation, some Provincial Councilors, the Community Animators, Sisters, Novices and some Apirants from the communities near the provincial house.

The rite of entry into the Postulancy, though simple, is a stage of marking maturity and going deeper to a close relationship with God. The rite consists of three parts: the announcement of candidates, the interrogation and the reception through the handing over of the medal of Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. Each moment takes place in a solemn and fervent atmosphere.

After presenting the medals to the candidates, Sr. Lidia shared with 10 new Postulants and the community: “Starting from the 88th article of the Institute’s constitution, I invite you to be open to God’s will expressed through necessary renunciations and the freedom to choose inner values. All of these things constitute our lives. I also remind the formative communities: the responsibility for formation is not only of the community animators, the assistants, but of all members of the communities, so that through good examples and companionship, we can help the Postulants walk with conviction and joy.”

The prayer time continues with the Magnificat of Mary. Together with her, the new Postulants want to express their gratitude, praise and adoration to the Lord for looking upon his humble servants. These words are not only a sentiment of gratitude for today but are extended throughout each day so that they can wholeheartedly strive to overcome themselves and dedicate themselves completely to God and to the young.

After the evening prayers, the communities congratulated new Postulants and they gave their heartfelt thanks to Sr. Lidia, Sr. Maria, the superiors and all members of the communities.

A new Postulant shared: I am truly moved, my soul is filled with gratitude to God for His immense love for me despite my weaknesses and imperfections. Bending down to receive the medal, I was happy to be welcomed by the Institute through the presence of Sr. Lidia, Sr. Maria and all the sisters. With the companionship of Mary Help of Christians, Don Bosco, Mother Mazzarello and everyone, I aspire to become a closer friend to God every day, ready as an instrument in God’s hands, knowing how to bend down and take care of young people, especially the “poor” young people that God will entrust to me.”

Another new Postulant also expressed with determination her desire: May God and Mother Mary accompany us so that the 10 of us can become “10 wise virgins” who know how to fill the lamp of our lives with the oil of virtues, the willingness to listen, the ability to foresee and fulfill the duties God has given us with joy and simplicity. May God be in our hearts so that we can become “10 commandments” for each other, reminding each other to keep what we have promised and resolved. May Mary always guide us so that we can become “10 roses of Hail Mary” ​​to offer to Her and may Father John Bosco intercede with God to help us become “10 pearls” as in His dream. With these, we will be more enthusiastic and fervent, not afraid to commit to the mission of education and evangelization”.



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