Rome (Italy). It is a feast of colors and joy, the 1st International Children’s Day, held in Rome on 25 and 26 May 2024, announced by Pope Francis at the Angelus of the Immaculate Conception on 8 December 2023: “The initiative, sponsored by the Dicastery for Culture and Education, answers the question: what kind of world do we want to pass on to children who are growing up? Like Jesus, we want to put children at the center and take care of them.”  In the Message in preparation, the Holy Father addresses each child because ‘you are precious’ in the eyes of God (Is 43:4), and at the same time to everyone. “All of you, little girls and boys, the joy of your parents and your families, are also the joy of humanity and of the Church, in which each one is like a link of a very long chain, going from the past to the future and covering the whole earth.”

In the morning of Saturday, 25 May, there is already movement at the Children’s Village, at the Foro Italico, where the first groups and children are immediately engaged in activities in the stands of movements and associations. As volunteers of the OIEC (Office International de l’Enseignement catholique), there are also Sister Ivone Goulart, Sister Chanda Nsofwa, and Sister Herlinda Palomino, collaborators of the Youth Ministry Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

In the afternoon, the impressive Olympic Stadium soon turns into a unique harmony of joy, music, and colors of the caps, T-shirts, banners, flags of the 50 thousand people – boys, girls, parents, escorts – from 101 countries around the world.

The procession of the flags on the notes of the song, “We are the world” performed by the Little Choir of the Antoniano, open the afternoon conducted by the Italian presenter Carlo Conti, who gives the floor to the Prefect of the Dicastery, Mons. José Tolentino de Mendonça. “‘See, I am making all things new’. This is the biblical motto chosen by Pope Francis to illustrate the 1st GMB that is beginning and which we hope will strongly become a celebration of peace, a great celebration of fraternity, able to illuminate the world of hope.”

The animation is lively and dynamic, to involve and entertain the young spectators: testimonies, performances of famous singers and actors, including Lino Banfi, the “grandfather of Italy”, appeals for peace and the environment, a small football match between children and adults of professional sports, with the kick-off given by the Pope.

The most awaited moment is undoubtedly the arrival of the Holy Father with the “Popemobile”, surrounded by young passengers. Getting down, he takes his place next to the “Cross of Joy” made by Mimmo Paladino, 4 meters high and decorated with colorful elements of Christian history and culture and with fairy-tale allusions. Alongside the Pope, there is a large basket of candies. Like a real grandfather, he dispenses handfuls to children who approach him for greetings and questions.

“Dear children, dear boys and girls! Here we are! The adventure of GMB, International Children’s Day, has begun. We gathered here at the Olympic Stadium to give the “kick-off” to a movement of boys and girls who want to build a world of peace, where we are all brothers and sisters; a world that has a future because we want to take care of the environment around us. “Beautiful world”, says your song. Thank you for this! In you, children, everything speaks of life, of the future!”

Father Enzo Fortunato, Friar Minor conventual in charge of organizing the event, introduces the first interventions and questions of the children. “Is it true that peace is always possible?” asks Jeronimo from Colombia. The Pope involves, animates, and invites everyone to make a simple gesture of peace by shaking the hand of the other. And again: “what can we children do to make the world better?” is the question of Lia Marise of Burundi. “How do you love everyone, everyone, everyone?” asks Riccardo, a Rom child from Scampia, Napoli. A little girl from Indonesia asks, “If you could do a miracle, which one would you choose?” And Pope Francis answers, “It is easy: that all children have what they need to live, to eat, to play, to go to school. This is the miracle that I would like to do… That all children be happy. Let us pray to the Lord that He may make this miracle. (Text, video, photos)

The next day, in a crowded and sunny St. Peter’s Square, the feast continues with the Eucharistic Celebration on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Pope proves to be a true catechist, involving children in the questions and answers on the truths of faith, in particular on the Trinity, which he makes them repeat several times and tries to make them feel close.  “We believe in God who is‘Father, Son, and Holy Spirit’. The Father who created us, Jesus who saved us, and the Holy Spirit who accompanies us in life. (Text, video, photos)

After the Holy Mass, and after the Angelus, a group of children sit around him to listen to the monologue by Roberto Benigni, an Italian actor who, with his irony and vivacity, catches the attention of adults and children and, among many thoughts, says: “We’re all back together. It is the first children’s day in the world that was thought of. And to whom did it come to mind? To Pope Francis. Yet it should be our duty to make every day a feast for children. I have never seen so many children together in my life! (…) Take your life in your hands and make it a masterpiece. Build a better world. You make it more beautiful than we have. The world needs to be beautiful. And you can bring your little contribution for the good.”

At the International Children’s Day there were also several groups from the schools and realities of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, including children from the Institute Mary Help of Christians (IMA) of Lecco. Here is their voice:

“Seeing the Pope was a unique experience; many thoughts were flowing in my head, but none was as strong as those. His words were very similar to those of one person, but not just any person, to those of Jesus. With his sweetness and delicacy, he expressed his words and prayers differently, like a cake with an extra ingredient, something more, and that thing is certainly very special, given as a gift by the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit: Peace. (Luke)

“It was an unforgettable experience; being present at a live meeting with the Pope was an emotion that I will never forget.” (Mikela)

“I had a lot of fun, especially at the Olympic with all the singers and the match, and in St. Peter when the Pope passed: his joy entered my heart too.” (Achilles)

“In Saint Peter, it was beautiful to have the Pope within walking distance.” (John)

“The thing I liked is the Vatican, because it is a state where the good of the world is enclosed.” (Philip)


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