Rome (Italy). The communicative style of Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello and the first community of Mornese is the theme of the 7th CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, with the aim of creating a shared vision of the culture of communication, even in the diversity of expressions.

Sister Eliane Anschau Petri, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, coordinator of the Spirituality Course of the FMA Institute, and Professor at the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science “Auxilium”, in her presentation highlights the communicative style of Mary Domenica Mazzarello,  “a woman of relationships, with an acute need for communication and a rare communicative, relational ability.” She identifies some elements that challenge and can still illumine the communities today.

From the Letters of Mother Mazzarello, from her unique autograph writings, emerge a communicative art characterized by simplicity, familiarity, confidence, able to maintain, even at a distance, the deep and intense relationship that had been established at Mornese, nourishing communion with Sisters throughout the world.

Sister Eliane concludes her intervention by emphasizing the relevance of the synodal and communicative style of Mother Mazzarello and the first community of Mornese:

“In the simplicity of their experience and the means they had at their disposal and which they were able to use, they put people at the center of the educative mission and knew, with intelligence and authenticity, how to transmit the beauty of evangelical human values and the ultimate goal of education.

The community of Mornese appears to us as a model of an educating community that is present, not indifferent, to the life that lives around them. Even today, communication is the privileged way to give back to all equal dignity and voice, essence and protagonism, to communicate the good.”

The video is available with subtitles in Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish (from YouTube settings). All CommTalks remain available on Channel Youtube CGFMANET and can be retrieved from the side banner on the home page of the Institute’s website.


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