Rome (Italy). In the 8th video of CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, with the aim of creating a shared vision of the culture of communication, even in the diversity of expressions, Fr. Andrea Bozzolo, Salesian of Don Bosco, Rector Magnifico of the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome, speaks about his experience at the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, “For a synodal Church: communion, participation, and mission”, whose 2nd session ended on 27 October 2024.

Fr. Andrea participated in both sessions as an expert and contributed to the drafting of the Final Document, whose publication was approved by Pope Francis.

In his presentation, he speaks about the significant experience of participation and listening that has characterized this Synod in a particular way, within a change that has generated the possibility to activate processes:

“Processes” means something that is a dynamism, something that grows, develops, blossoms because it carries within itself an energy that cannot be predicted before on the table. And this energy comes right out of the interaction between people.

Another aspect he shares concerns the young: “what do young people expect from the Church before the Church even organizes new initiatives, new activities.

Young people expect a different style of relationship, with this style that we call, precisely, synodality, which means walking together, involving, empowering, listening to the expectations of young people, even when they may manifest themselves a little in a way that disturbs. They are manifested as protest, but always underneath there is a desire for life, a yearning that comes out. And today we really all need to listen to what God tells us through the young, through their dreams, through their expectations, and also through their wounds.”

CommTalks on the same topic will be published shortly, with the experience of Sister Yvonne Reungoat, Mother General Emerita of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who participated in the Synod as facilitator.

The video is available with subtitles in Italian, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish (from YouTube settings). All CommTalks remain available on the Youtube Channel CGFMANET and can be retrieved from the side banner on the home page of the Institute’s website.


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