Rome (Italy). Pope Francis has appointed Sr. Martha Séïde, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians from Haiti, Consultor of the Congregation for Catholic Education.

Sr. Martha Séïde over the years has gained a wealth of experience in the school environment, cultivating a particular interest in educational problems. She is Professor of Educational Theology at the Pontifical Faculty of Educational Sciences “Auxilium” in Rome, where she is a member of the Academic Council, Director of the Institute of Pedagogical Methodology, member of the Direction Committee of the Review of Educational Sciences.

For more than ten years, she has been a member of the Council of the International Office de l’Enseignement Catholique (OIEC), which promotes research on the specific contribution of the Catholic School in the educational field and reflection on the School in the contemporary context. She is also part of the Scientific Committee of the Study Center for the Catholic School in Italy.

The Congregation for Catholic Education has the task of studying, developing, and promoting the fundamental principles of Catholic education proposed by the Magisterium of the Church, also in the context of civil society. In this context, the constructive dialogue carried out with state Institutions and international organizations is significant. In particular, the Congregation establishes guidelines for Catholic schools, many of which founded and managed by religious congregations, assists diocesan bishops in their task of supervising the quality of the service offered by these schools, the formation of formators, religious education and pastoral care of pupils. The Dicastery also follows Catholic Universities, assisting the Bishops so that they can accompany them in studying the various disciplines, taking into account the Christian inspiration, and in promoting the various forms of university pastoral care. The Prefect is Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi. The consultants are entrusted with consultancy work.

To Sr. Martha, the wish to continue with the same educational passion in the mission at the service of the integral formation of young people, especially the poorest, so that they may be “good Christians and honest citizens” in the contemporary world.


  1. Querida Martha es un gran desafío esta nueva responsabilidad; pero es un modo de honrar a nuestros fundadores con este aporte y servicio que harás a la Iglesia, ya que Don Bosco y M. Mazzarello fueron de un gran sentido eclesial. Además es un honor para nuestro Instituto brindar a través de ti este servicio desde nuestra sensibilidad y misión educativa. Adelante! Oramos por ti!

  2. Muchas felicidades querida Sor Martha! El Señor te ilumine en esta nueva misión! Unidas en la oración siempre!

  3. Dear Sr. Martha,
    Congratulations and thank you for your generosity! May Our Lady guide and bless all the good you will do!
    We are with you in joy, hope, and prayer!

    Sr. Ignacia Carrillo, FMA

  4. Congratulazioni per aver accolto l’ínvito. La mia preghiera e quella delle Suore in Sud Africa.

  5. Congratulations dear Sr. Martha! We are very happy and proud of you! Count on our prayers for you.

  6. Me alegra tu nombramiento como consultora, tienes la preparación y la experiencia para aportar desde la educación católica para bien de toda la iglesia.
    Rezo por tu nueva misión.

  7. Delighted for you Sr. Martha may the Lord help you in your new mission. Prayer for you

  8. Congratulations dear sr. Martha. Thank you for taking on this new responsibility. We are so proud of you for doing this in our name.
    Kathleen Taylor fma

  9. Sor Marta a nombre de toda la Inspectoría CMM, Dios y la Auxiliadora bendigan la nueva responsabilidad que te ha confiado la Iglesia.
    Demos gloria al Señor por tu aporte Harás mucho bien en esta delicado campo de la educación.


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