Rome (Italy). On 13 March 2025, is the 12th anniversary of the election to the Pontifical See of Pope Francis, which took place on 13 March 2013.
The Superior General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, on behalf of all the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, sends her greeting to the Holy Father:
“Today, 13 March 2025, while we commemorate Mother Mazzarello, we remember with affection and gratitude the 12th anniversary of the election of Pope Francis, the Pope ‘come from the end of the world’, to the Pontifical See.
It is a different anniversary, that he will live at the Policlinic Agostino Gemelli in Rome, where he has been hospitalized for almost a month. In the time of his illness, the Church, alive and active on the five continents, never abandoned him, accompanying him in unceasing prayer, in daily commitment, and invoking the gift of his healing.
We Daughters of Mary Help of Christians want to thank the Lord for the gift of Pope Francis and for all that these 12 years have meant in the life of the Church, in the history of humanity, and also for our Institute.
We are deeply grateful to Pope Francis for the tireless and enthusiastic donation of his life, for his rich magisterium, for the courage in asking that peace, justice, love for the poor, trust in the young generations, work for the realization of universal fraternity be welcomed into the Church and civil society as channels for the advent of a new humanity, founded on love, as God has always desired.
In this particular moment of suffering and fragility, we are close to him with incessant prayer, in communion with all the people of God. With the heart of a Father and a Pastor, he continues to offer us his precious magisterium through the serenity and confidence of knowing that he is totally embraced by the tenderness of God the Father.
We trust that Mary, Mother and Helper, will take care of him, support him, and comfort him. May she make him feel that not only the universal Church is close to him with affection, but also so many other people who see in him a light that illumines and brings hope to the whole world.
Dearest Pope Francis, thank you for these 12 years spent totally in the spirit of the Gospel and wishes for the recovery of your health.”