Rome (Italy). On November 24, 2019, on the Solemnity of Christ the King and Lord of the Universe, the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life of the Holy See established the “International Youth Advisory Body” and with a press release, announced the appointment as members for three years of 20 young people – 10 girls and 10 boys – coming from different regions of the world and from some international movements, associations, and communities.
“The Final Document of the Synod 2018 (n. 123) called for the activity of the Youth Office of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life to be strengthened also through the establishment of an organization representing young people at the international level. ”
For this reason, in the post-synod discernment the decision was made to establish the Body formed by “young people who were involved in different phases of the synod process, such as the International Youth Forum that the Dicastery organized last June, to promote the implementation of the apostolic exhortation Christus Vivit. ” The Pontifical Dicastery informs that the group “will play an important advisory and proactive role, collaborating with the Dicastery to study issues relating to youth ministry and any other issues of more general interest.”
A young Austrian woman will represent the Salesian Youth Movement in this new advisory body.
Their first meeting is scheduled in Rome in April 2020.