Rome (Italy). Engineer and Architect, Dr. Maurizio Saglietto, since 1988 President of the National Association for Supporting Italian Missionaries – ANSMI, died on Friday 17 April 2020 in Cuneo, at the age of 91.

As a priority attention for the ANSMI Association, Dr. Saglietto accompanied the Italian Hospital of Damascus, founded in 1913 and entrusted to the management of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. With the help of the funds of the Association and Italian Cooperation, has supported over the years the renovation of the hospital, its expansion with the establishment of six blocks for operating rooms, and upgraded with the provision of modern diagnostic equipment for images, purchases made with the collaboration of the doctors themselves of the Hospital, of Entities, of the FMA, and of ANSMI.

The President has always been present in times of difficulty, of choices for the future, of internal reorganization, expressing wisdom and benevolence together with firmness and a capacity for discernment and decision.

In her letter of condolences to the Vice President of ANSMI, the Mother General of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians writes: “In the meetings I had with Dr. Maurizio, I appreciated and admired his courage, resourcefulness, and passion in the search for the good. Faith and great humanity were the basis of his indefatigable donation in a mission he lived and loved with generosity and Christian charity. “

Deeply Christian, he shared choices in defense of life and with great balance was able to dialogue in Syria with the Church, with the political authorities, being present at the visits of Italian Presidents and politicians, and representing Italy as far as possible.

The last public act in favor of the Damascus Hospital was his participation in the meeting at the Vatican for the project Open Hospitals in September 2018.

The Open Hospitals project, wanted in the middle of the war by the Apostolic Nuncio in Syria Card. Mario Zenari, and supported by Pope Francis, ensures poor Syrians free access to medical care in the Italian Hospital and in the French Hospital in Damascus, and in St. Louis Hospital in Aleppo.

Dr. Maurizio Saglietto, friend and benefactor, will continue the great work pursued on earth from heaven.


  1. E’bello poter conoscere tante realta’dell’Istituto. Mi sento partecipe di tutto quanto le mie Sorelle fanno e posso accompagnarle con la preghiera riconoscente a Dio per quanto fanno con generosita’e dedizione. Che bella la Famiflia delle FMA in tutto il mondo!


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