Rome (Italy). “Action for the climate for peace” is the theme of International Day for Peace 2019 of the General Assembly of the United Nations through resolution 36/67. The Assembly declared that the Day would be observed as a day of peace and of non-violence and addressed an invitation to all nations and peoples to cease hostilities during this day.
In addition to the suspension of all types of hostilities, the adhering nations are invited to commemorate the anniversary by organizing awareness-raising and educational activities that are relevant to Peace.
The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians welcomed the proposal through the project “Together, we can”. The various educational environments, both formal and informal, are developing projects carried out by the children, adolescents, and young people themselves: from differentiated collection to recycling, from attention to the use of electricity and the use of alternative energy, from planting a tree to reforestation initiatives, and many other commitments. The various initiatives are shared and published on the Facebook page “Together, we can care for the common home”.
The UN Secretary General, António Guterres, called on governments and citizens to focus in 2019 on the importance of combatting climate change in order to protect and promote peace worldwide.
Climate change causes clear threats to international peace and security. Natural disasters displace three times more people than conflicts, forcing millions of people to leave their homes and seek security elsewhere. Salinization of water and crops is endangering food security and the impact on public health is increasing. Growing tensions over resources and mass movements of people are affecting all Countries on all continents.
The objective of sustainable development 13 “Action for the climate” is in fact an invitation to action by all to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase resilience, and improve education to justice with Creation because this commitment is a path to peace in the world.
The celebration of the Day at the United Nations headquarters will involve high school and university students. The young people will also join the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK). Students will share the peace projects they have participated in during the past year. Undoubtedly, in all educational institutions of the world, the commitment will be renewed to safeguard and increase the precious gift of peace in one’s heart, in families, in the Country, in the world.
To share ideas and activities: #PeaceDay e #ClimateAction.