Rome (Italy). On 12 March 2022, in the Chapter Hall of the Generalate of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, the Superior General, Mother Chiara Cazzuola, and Mother Emerita, Sr. Yvonne Reungoat, with the General Councilors and the entire Mary Help of Christians Community (RCG), officially inaugurated the plaque in memory of Pope Francis’ visit on 22 October 2021 to the Chapter Assembly gathered for the 24th General Chapter.
“We live this moment of grateful memory with the attitude of Mary who, in her immaculate heart, ‘pondered’ and knew how to see the action of God who ‘puts down the mighty from their thrones and raises the lowly’ even in dramatic events” begins the brief celebration.
The words from Mother Yvonne Reungoat’s opening address of the XXIV General Chapter were then read, which underline the commitment of the FMA Institute. “As an Institute, we reconfirm the commitment to adhere to the Pope and his magisterium in fidelity to the teaching of our Founders, Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello. We reaffirm the will to live and work in full communion with the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life and with the various Departments of the Holy See to collaborate in building a world marked by universal fraternity and the joy of the Gospel. We also feel in communion with the Bishops of the local Churches in all the Countries where we are present”.
The Chronicle of the day of 22 October 2021 helps to bring to mind and heart the unforgettable moments of the Pope’s visit. “At 10:55, Mother Yvonne opens the door and Pope Francis is with her. The welcome is expressed with very warm applause. The Pope will say, “you welcomed me with ‘Salesian noise’.” He is accompanied to take his place at the presidency desk and he begins, “I have come to bring you the video message.” Mother turns to him with an affectionate welcome address. Then the word is given to the Pope, who often leaves what he has written, and speaks spontaneously. His discourse was interrupted many times by the applause of the Chapter members. (…) The Holy Father had expressly asked Mother Yvonne to keep his visit secret, (…) to surprise the Chapter members as a sign of gratitude to the whole Institute”.
The solemn act of uncovering the plaque, positioned on the wall between the radiant faces of the Founders, Don Bosco and Mother Mazzarello, was performed by Mother Chiara Cazzuola and Mother Emeritus Yvonne Reungoat, to the applause of all. Then the word to Mother Yvonne, who thus remembers the intense day:
“Pope Francis wanted to have a surprise … It was his decision, a sign for me of the love of God who goes to meet His people. He left the Vatican to come here with simplicity, as a family meeting. A surprise that is a sign of the God of surprises and a surprise is a sign of love. It was a moment of indescribable joy coming here to the Chapter Hall where we prayed, discerned, reflected, spoke every day. I think it was also a sign from Mary. When I sent him the invitation, it was August 15 and I think it was Our Lady who inspired me to invite him. This plaque is more than a memory. It is a sign of a lived experience because the world and the entire Institute were present here. Pope Francis had written, ‘I am returning to you after 20 years (in November 2001 he celebrated the Eucharist in the chapel as Archbishop of Buenos Aires, in Rome for the Synod of Bishops) with gratitude to the Lord and to you, for all that the Institute lives in the world.’ (…) In addition to being a memory that we carry alive in our hearts, it is also a commitment to strengthen, empower this ecclesial dimension through the educational mission”.
At the end, the intervention of Mother Chiara Cazzuola who recalls the effort needed that morning to contain the joy of the Chapter members and ‘maintain discipline’, and above all, the lived experience of “a serene paternity” and of an unconditional availability. She then underlined the attitudes of trust and fidelity, “Precisely in our spirituality, love for the Pope, fidelity to his teaching is for us a strong point in our life and I believe we must strengthen it more. The Pope knows how to live such a great mission with his spontaneity and in nine years of ministry, he has not allowed himself to be disturbed or changed by circumstances.”
In an article published by the Osservatore Romano,
Mother Chiara summed up this memorable visit as follows, “We are all aware that today our house and all of us have received a great blessing from God which places a seal of grace on General Chapter XXIV and gives a broad breath of Church to our mission and to our heart in celebration filled with gratitude and amazement! We recognize that this visit is a priceless gift for our Institute, a unique and unforgettable historical event and, at the same time, a commitment, a new call that strengthens us in the responsibility to live today with daring and courage, the educational charism as a response to the emerging challenges to prepare the future of a new world. The encounter is for all of us also a confirmation of the concern and affection of the successor of Peter for the consecrated life of women, a gift of the Spirit to the Church so that she can make present today the motherhood of Mary and the revolutionary power of tenderness”.
On the day of the ninth anniversary of the election of the Holy Father, 13 March 2013, Pope Francis wishes to continue to be a witness of tenderness and to remain steadfast in his role as guide and pastor of the Church, in favor of peace and reconciliation between peoples.