San Paolo (Brazil). The Social Works of the Social Action Network of the Province of Our Lady Aparecida of San Paolo (BAP) – the House of the Most Pure Heart of Mary and Casa Betânia of Guaratinguetà (SP), the Social-Educational Center Maria Rita Périllier (CEMARI) of Lorraine (SP) and the Salesian Work of Fraternal Support (OSAF) of Araras (SP) – have joined the Campaign “On the Net Against Hunger” .
The Campaign is promoted by the Salesian Network Brazil (RSB), with the aim of supporting Salesian social works in actions against hunger, meeting people and families in difficulty in the various regions of Brazil, at a time of health and economic crisis.
By joining the campaign against hunger, the Social Works have given life to the Project “Earth Connection”, to allow access to food in a more collaborative, participatory, and nutritious way for 120 needy families according to the principles of sustainability and circular economy.
The Project is carried out in collaboration with Coomatre, a Cooperative of farmers’ families based in Tremembé (SP) and with the Meu Quintal Orgânicos space, an organic food production company led by two young brothers, based in Cordeirópolis – SP .
The products acquired for the families come from the agroecological and biological production of these realities. Agroecology is a more sustainable way of producing food ensuring food and nutritional security, providing tasty food, rich in nutrients, in line with the principles of environmental protection in the countryside and in the city.
In addition to the benefits in the nutritional field, these choices contribute to strengthening the local circular economy, promoting a more efficient management of existing natural resources, contributing to economic and sustainable development. This is a modality that considers conflict resolution as an opportunity that allows the different parties to achieve a mutually beneficial result, identifying the concerns of each party in order to find a solution that satisfies all.