Rome (Italy). From 3 to 5 January 2025, five Daughters of Mary Help of Christians from four continents, led by the Vicar General, Sister María del Rosario García Ribas, gathered in Rome at the Generalate, with the aim of re-reading and updating the document of the FMA Institute entitled, “Guidelines for a preventive policy aimed at protecting minors in our works (2012)”, in light of the Church’s current policies and procedures regarding the protection of minors and vulnerable persons.

According to the decisions taken in CG XXIV and entrusted to  Mother and the General Council, foreseen is the updating of the protocols of the FMA Institute on the protection of minors and the elaboration of other protocols, taking into account the evolution of reflection both at the level of the Church and of national legislations (cf. Acts of the General Chapter XXIV no. 38 ).

To this end, Mother Chiara Cazzuola and her Council have appointed some Sisters to form an International Commission that will take on the task of putting into practice what was requested by the last General Chapter.

The Commission – composed of Sister Charlotte Bizige (DR Congo), Sister Maria Josefina Carrasco (Philippines), Sister Lívia Kvašná (Slovakia), Sister Silvia Moraga (Argentina), and Sister Emilia Rosado (Spain) – has previously held online meetings to promote mutual knowledge, define the work to be done, and exchange documents on the topic of protection, but also to contextualize the urgency of the work that is being carried out at this particularly delicate moment for the Church, involved in the abuse scandal.

The Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians intends to acquire and strengthen the culture of protection, rediscovering the fascination of the Preventive System and walking with the Church in promoting a culture of protection and care, by creating a safe environment in its various presences around the world.


  1. Sono in ispettoria tra le coordinatrici della politicy dei minori e aspetto i nuovi orientamenti. Grazie di questo lavoro che coinvolge tutte le FMA.


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