Rome (Italy). On 21 November 2020, from 15:00 to 18:00 (Italian time), the annual meeting of the Association of Friends Members of the General Curie – Charismatic Families (AMCG) will take place online.
Founded in 2014 from Pope Francis’ solicitation to give charisms a universal breath as a gift of the Spirit, the Association will launch the theme for the year 2020/2021: “The shared Charism as leaven and opportunity to take care of our Common Home.”
During the meeting, the key points of the association path will be explored to allow those approaching for the first time to grasp its spirit, and the planning for the three-year period 2020-2023 will be presented. Space will also be given to the sharing of two experiences, one from the Charismatic Cottolenghina Family and one from Nigeria, entitled ‘Therapy day’.
The online mode is an opportunity that opens the AMCG to wider participation and the possibility of expanding the boundaries of the Association, experiencing its richness. The meeting can be followed by accessing the Zoom platform.
To access:
Meeting ID: 847 1923 7028
Passcode: 130305