Rivere (Italy). On 24 August 2024 in Rivere, a hamlet of Cartosio, Alessandria, on the occasion of the centenary of the consecration of the Church of St. John the Baptist, the square opposite it was named after Sister Assunta Gaino (1849-1886) and Sister Franca Lajolo (1928-2007), Daughters of Mary Help of Christians native to the place.

In a letter to the parishioners, the parish priest, Fr. Domenico Pisano, explains the dedication:

“The presence of a small church in a village, the celebration of such an important birthday as 100 years, should make us think of the history of the Church that saw many places of worship born outside the cities to make the poor peasants feel blessed by God or a particular saint like S. John the Baptist. (…) The fruit of the faith breathed between the houses aroused in time the ‘Yes’ to the call of God of religious (Sister Assunta and Sister Franca, FMA) and a young man, Giovanni Gaino, who became a diocesan priest and, with his family, gave to neighbors, relatives, and friends a small church dedicated to a special saint: John the Baptist. Today as then, we need to see far and deep if we want to build a church of living stones united by charity. Families, with the help of St. John the Baptist, St John Bosco, and St Mary Domenica Mazzarello, are still called to help young people look in the right direction. Let us all entrust ourselves to these saints who will help us in this important task.”

Born in Cartosio on 28 April 1848, Maria Antonia Santina – later Sister Assunta Gaino – soon left her valley to go ‘into service’ with the wealthy families, to help economically the families of origin. In those years, she became aware of a girl from Mornese, Mary Domenica Mazzarello, and with her on 5 August 1872, at the age of 24, she would be among the first new Professed of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians. In the Cronistoria (Vol. II), she is referred to as “the keeper of the cow – ‘Lady cow’, very valuable for the community – and the garden”. In the construction of the School, along with Sister Angela Denegri and Sister Angela Rossi, she is defined “exemplary by virtue, physical energy, and will.” For her spirit of work and sacrifice, although in fragile health, and for her deep humility, she was very esteemed by Mother Mazzarello. Sister Assunta would be one of the first FMA to move to the Mother house in Nizza Monferrato and there she would die, on 29 June 1886, at only 38 years of age.

Sister Teresa Francesca Lajolo, for everyone, Sister Franchina, was born in Cartosio in 1928. She was only twelve years old when her mother died in a bicycle accident. It was her second mother who advised her to study at the FMA of Acqui, where she attended the Professional Initiation, the oratory, and the summer workshop. She then went on to Nizza with the Magistral Institute, where her vocation matured thanks to the attentive presence of the Sisters, teachers, and assistants and, even more so, to the wise and discreet guidance of Mother Ersilia Canta, then Animator of the House. She made her profession on 5 August 1951, and gave her serene presence as an educator to the girls of the primary school in several houses in Piedmont, especially Saluzzo. Then, due to her increasingly precarious health, in 1986, she was transferred to Nizza “Saint Joseph”, where she is remembered as a woman of peace, of much prayer and charity, attentive to the little things and needs of others, zealous apostle of ‘good press’. She was a fervent animator of the month of May for the people of the place, who looked to her with affection. In the heart and in the prayers of Sister Franchina there were always her family and friends from Cartosio. The Lord called her to himself on 15 September 2007.

On 24 August 2024, as reported “L’Ancora”, the weekly information between Upper Monferrato and Liguria, the entire community of Rivere, the parish of Cartosio, the municipal administration, and many willing people of the town were present at the Mass, celebrated by the pastor, Fr. Domenico Pisano, to commemorate the 100 years since the consecration of the Chapel. The celebration took place outdoors, in the meadow, to allow everyone to participate. In the evening, after the projection of a video made by Pieralberto Assandri with historical photos recovered from the inhabitants of the place, there was a brief conference given by Mauro Massanova, researcher of local history, on the origins of Rivere, of the Gainos, and the reasons that led to the construction of the church in 1924.  Raffaella Morena explained the motives that led to the dedication of the square in front to the FMA.

The whole event gathered around 140 people, not only from Cartosio, but also from the surrounding towns and from Milan, Cuneo, Genoa, who returned to Rivere to participate in this celebration.

The naming of this square represents, for the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, a beautiful gesture of affection and gratitude on the part of the population, as a witness to the sign that each Sister leaves with her life given to God and the young.



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