Chieti (Italy). On 3 June 2024 in Chieti, Abruzzo, Sister Alessandra Smerilli, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Economist, and Professor of Political Economy at the Pontifical Faculty of Education Science «Auxilium» of Rome, was awarded the Academic Order of Minerva, the highest honor granted by the University of Studies “Gabriele D’Annunzio” of Chieti-Pescara.

The Minerva Order was established in 1986 and is awarded to national and international personalities who have contributed significantly to the progress of Science, Culture, and Economics. The insignia consists of a gold medal, on which the head of Minerva is depicted.

The celebration of the bestowal took place in the Marrucino Theatre in Chieti, the heart of the city, to underline the link of the University – and the winners – with the territory, “who by birth, who by residence, who by entrepreneurial activity, all three illustrious names have a link with the Abruzzo Region,” highlighted the Rector Magnifico Liborio Stuppia.

Mons. Bruno Forte, Archbishop of the Diocese of Chieti Vasto, in his greeting expressed the joy for the award of the Prize “to a person who for years has been committed to the plan of integral human development… who continually goes where the Holy See and the Pope ask that the Church be present in the face of challenges of a social nature, of justice, and of peace” and for the recognition of a woman, “daughter of this Diocese, born in Vasto, Chieti, with skills, passion, and enthusiasm that I know well.”

In conferring the recognition to Sister Alessandra, the Rector expressed the motivation: “for having translated into acts and lessons the economic direction of Pope Francis recognized worldwide for his attention to sustainability, social justice, and peace.”

“It is with deep emotion and gratitude that I accept this prestigious Prize of the Order of the Minerva. When there are these occasions of celebration, for me they are a moment to look back and find new motivations for a renewed commitment to the future: a recognition is also a call to continue to engage.”

These are the words of Sister Alessandra Smerilli, who, retracing her studies, pursuing the dream of a more humane and ethical economy, until reaching her current position, said, “One feel powerless in the face of so many dramatic situations, and risk thinking that we are carrying the world on our shoulders. The most important challenge is not to be abstract, but to be sufficiently concrete in the responses and aid that we are called to give and at the same time, however, not to be trapped by reality. What helps me? Recognize the limitations and know that we are not alone; we are collaborating with research centers and universities around the world.”

She then thanked the University for the formation of young people, with competence and passion, and those who accompanied and supported her on the journey, starting with her family, present in the room. “I take this opportunity to renew my commitment and all my energies and skills for development and for an economy with a more equitable, sustainable, and inclusive future for all,” she concluded.

In the same evening, at the “Sala Cascella” of the Chamber of Commerce of Chieti, Sister Alessandra received the “Maja Award – Abruzzese Woman of the Year”, awarded by the ACLI – Christian Associations of Italian Workers – of the Province of Chieti, to women from Abruzzo who have distinguished themselves in the professions, in business, in work, in the family, in volunteering, in art, in sport, and in social activities.

“Renowned economist, she dedicated her studies to the ethics of economics, a theme often set aside by the great academy, but which did not escape Pope Francis, who wanted her first as Councilor of State of Vatican City, then also consultor of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops. She coordinated the task-force ‘Economics’ of the Vatican Commission for Covid-19, proposing innovative responses to the socio-economic challenges of the future.” These are the reasons explained by the President of the jury, Mimmo D’Alessio.

The Provincial President of the ACLI of Chieti, Antonello Antonelli, highlighted the female aspect, “Sister Smerilli has reached top positions in one of the environments traditionally reserved for men, the Vatican Curia, thanks to her skills and her brilliant academic record, as well as her determined character, typical of the people of Abruzzo”.

Sister Alessandra, interviewed by TGR Abruzzo, summarized the meaning of these awards, expression of its roots, and at the same time, of the momentum towards the future, with educational passion and with the heart directed to young people and the most disadvantaged people:

“I believe that these awards are a sign; they remind me of university commitment, but also the commitment to try to change our world a little and the position I hold now in the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development just wants to try to put into practice all that until recently I did in research and study”.


  1. Auguri fraterni e gratitudine per la tua missione! Ti penso e prego. Sr Margherita Maderni.

  2. Delighted for Sr. Alessandra I think her work is remarkable. Well done and the honours recently given are very well deserved.


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