Rome (Italy). The Embassy of the Philippines to the Holy See has conferred on Sister Runita Galve Borja, General Councilor for Youth Ministry of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, an award for service to the Church and the Country. The award, officially conferred on 3 November 2023, was withdrawn by her at the Embassy of Rome in February 2024.
In the Letter addressed to Sister Runita, the Ambassador, Mrs. Myla Grace Ragenia Catalbas Macahilig, expressed herself as follows:
“As we recall the theme ‘Donated to donate’ of the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the introduction of Christianity in the Philippines (2021), we realize that the Philippines has come to a point where it is in a position to ‘give back’ to Mother Church.
One of the most precious gifts that the Country has offered to the Church are her many sons and daughters who have chosen to undertake priestly/religious life. At this time, we see many of these priests and Sisters taking positions of responsibility and leadership in their respective orders/congregations.
For her part, the Embassy believes that the time has come to recognize the service that these leaders are rendering to their communities and to recognize that, in assuming these roles, they also honor the Philippines and the Philippine Nation.
I have the privilege to inform you that we have identified you as one of these honored leaders, in recognition of the service you are rendering to the Church and the Country.”
Congratulations to Sister Runita, with the hope of continuing with the same passion and enthusiasm in her service to the Institute and to the Church, in the spirit of the “da mihi animas” for the salvation of young people, especially the poorest.
Sr. Runita, a well deserved recognition of your generous work and availability. Looking forward to your visitation of our province,
very soon, please God.
United in our own Maria Domenica.
Màire fma
Congratulations, Suor Runita,
Este prêmio diz muito para a congregação da FMA. A senhora é uma genuína representante do nosso sistema educativo. Um abraço.
Ir. Maria Helena de Resende – Cachoeira do Campo – Brasil
Congratulations Sr. Runita!! 😍🙏🏻🥂
With much love🥰
Congratulations dear Sr Runita.
We are proud of you!
Congratulations, Sr. Bing for your passion for the da mihi animas!God bless your untiring zeal for souls!
We thank God! May He continue to bless you Sr. Runita and all that you do for the young people.m
Dear Sr, Bing, praise and thank God for your generosity in giving yourself to serve the people of God in the Institute specially the young people and also for your love for the Filipino young people. Congratulation and you deserve it.
Congratulations, Sr. Runita for your selfless and indefatigable service to the Church, the Institute and the world of youth. We rejoice and thank God for you and for those whose lives you touch!
Congratulazioni vivissime. Giuseppe Bracco
Mi unisco a Madre Chiara Cazzuola, alle consigliere generali, a tutte le sorelle dell’Istituto, della nostra ispettoria, a tutti i laici nel ringraziare i membri dell’Ambasciata Filippine a Roma per aver espresso l’apprezzamento dello svolgimento della missione affidata a sr. Runita, sempre dedita a bene della gioventù e nell’accompagnamento dei loro educatori di qualunque stato di vita. Ringrazio anche lei per questa sua disponibilità già dalla giovane età in cui l’ho conosciuta. La Vergine Madre Ausiliatrice continui a guidarla ed ispirarla nel servizio che presta nella Chiesa e nell’Istituto.