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Carlo Marchini Award 2021

Brescia (Italy). On 23 October 2021 at Brescia, in Lombardy, the Association Carlo Marchini Onlus, dedicated to supporting children in Brazil, will bestow the...

7th International Congress of Scientific Knowledge – ISECENSA

Campos dos Goytacazes (Brazil). The 7TH International Congress of Scientific Knowledge (CICC), organized by the Higher Education Institutes of Mary Help of Christians Educational...

“Drive Thru”– BMM

On 12 June 2021, at “Mary Help of Christians” School (ENSA) in Ponte Nova, Brazil, the “Drive Thru” meeting day between students, school staff, and parents took place.

Your family is ours

On 22 May 2021, the ISECENSA Higher Education Institutes experienced a time of reflection and prayer online with school staff, teachers, students, and families.

Feast of the Heart at Cuiabá – BMM

On 7 May 2021 the students of “Sacred Heart of Jesus” School in Brazil celebrated the “Feast of the Heart”, in honor of mothers, of Mother Mazzarello, and of Mary Help of Christians.

Nuovi orizzonti per la RSB-Comunicazione

Brasile. Dal 23 al 26 marzo si è tenuto l’incontro annuale dei Delegati e Coordinatrici Ispettoriali per la Comunicazione della Rete Salesiana Brasile -...

New configuration for the Provinces of Brazil

On 2 February 2021, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians celebrate the beginning of the new Configuration of the Provinces of Brazil.

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