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Tag: Councilor for Social Communications

The Councilor for Social Communications, aware of the influence of this reality in different cultures, will animate the area of Social Communications in the FMA Institute and will propose guidelines to the provinces (C 130 bis).

New website DMA magazine

Rome (Italy).On 8 March 2025, the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians announces the launch of the...

Formation day on Communication – SLC

Ljubljana (Slovenia). On 19 February 2025, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of the Slovenia and Croatia Province (SLC) met at the provincial...

Jubilee of the World of Communication

Rome (Italy). From 24 to 26 January 2025, the Jubilee of the World of Communication was held in Rome, the first of the great...

9th CommTalkS at the heart of the Synod

Rome (Italy). In the 9th CommTalkS video, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians...

8th CommTalks on the Synod Experience

Rome (Italy). In the 8th video of CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of...

7th CommTalks on the communicative style of Mother Mazzarello

Rome (Italy). The communicative style of Saint Mary Domenica Mazzarello and the first community of Mornese is the theme of the 7th CommTalkS, the...

Carlo Marchini Prize 2024

Brescia (Italy). On 19 October 2024, at the Auditorium Centro Congressi Capretti in Brescia, Lombardy, the Association Carlo Marchini Onlus, dedicated to supporting children...

6th CommTalks on mission as prophetic hospitality

Rome (Italy). Mission as prophetic hospitality is the central theme of the 6th CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the Institute of...

Contest deadline for Logo and Anthem 150th First missionary expedition

Rome (Italy). In three-year preparation for the 150th of the first missionary expedition on 14 November 1877, with the theme "It’s time to re-kindle...

5th CommTalks on music, dance, theater

Rome (Italy). Music, dance, and theater are the focus of the reflection of the 5th CommTalkS, the initiative of the Communication Sector of the...

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