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AUXISTEM Robotics League 2025 – INT

Madurai (India). Il 21 febbraio 2025, presso il Campus dell’Auxilium Matriculation high School di Sirudur, Madurai, si è svolta la 2a edizione della "AUXISTEM...

13th Graduation Ceremony – Auxilium College INT

Pudukottai (India). On 16 February 2023, at the Auxilium College of Education in Regunathapuram, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of Blessed...

AUXISTEM Robotics League 2024 – INT

Madras (India). On 24 January 2024, Auxilium Group of Schools of Our Lady of Snow Province (INT) at la Our Lady’s Higher Secondary School,...

Investiture Ceremony and Seminar on Pedagogical Leadership – INT

Regunathapuram (India). On 18 November 2023, in the Multimedia Room of the Auxilium College of Education of Regunathapuram, Institution for the training of teachers,...

Human Rights Day – Auxilium College INT

Pudukottai (India). On 9 and 10 December 2021, the Auxilium College of Education of Regunathapuram, of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians of...

Awards to students of Auxilium College of Arts and Science –...

Pudukkottai (India). As part of the initiatives for the 75th anniversary of India's Independence (15 August 2021), the Government organized, with the support of...

First Professions and Perpetual Professions in India

In the month of May 2021, the Provinces of India celebrated Perpetual Professions and First Professions in the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians.

Aid to families in the Coronavirus emergency – INT Province

The FMA of the Community "Bl. Maddalena Morano" of Dindigul (INT) brings aid to 200 families in the Coronavirus emergency.

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