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Walk together to Care for the Common Home

An International Online Conference on the Common Home was held on 23 January 2021, organized by Auxilium College in Vellore (India).

ISS-FMA Asia Online Seminar on Trafficking

On 12 December, the online seminar was held addressed to the FMA Institutions of Higher Studies in Asia, on the theme: "Trafficking in human beings: a violation of Human Rights".

Salesian educational presence in Higher Education (ISS) – FMA Asia

On 28 November 2020, ‘Auxilium College’ of Udalguri - Indian Province ING - organized an online conference for Higher Education Teachers from Asia.

Meeting of FMA-Brazil Higher Education Institutes

Brazil. "Sharing the challenges and strengthening Higher Education" was the theme of the online meeting of the FMA Higher Education Institutions of Brazil, which...

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