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Tag: Oratory

Two FMA at Summer Children in the Vatican

From 21 June to 30 July 2021, two Daughters of Mary Help of Christians collaborated in Summer Children in the Vatican.

A mural to say no to bullying and cyberbullying

On 16 July 2021 in Ruvo di Puglia (Italy) as part of the "Con (N) essi" project to prevent and combat bullying and cyberbullying, a mural created by the children was inaugurated.

Clean is Better

On 25 June 2021, the teenagers of the 2021 Summer Center, organized by “OratoriAMO with Don Bosco” in Ruvo di Puglia (Bari), took part in an ecological walk.

We want you to be happy

On 21 October 2020, at 'St. John Paul II Center' of Librino (Catania), of the Sicilian Province (ISI), the mural created by preteens and adolescents was inaugurated.

Oratorian Hearts in Action

Despite the lockdown, the FMA of the Philippine Province (FIL) are looking for new ways to reach the young people and continue the pastoral-educational mission.

Virtual Oratory – SEC

The FMA of the United States and Canada Province launch the new initiative of the weekly "virtual Oratory".

Salesian explorers: seeing the world through different eyes

From June 29 to July 24, 2020 over 250 children participated in the Virtual Summer Camp organized by the FMA of the Provinces of the United States and Canada (SEC and SUO).

An alternative active summer (IMR)

The testimony of an animator who recounts the return, after the lockdown, to the Oratory - Youth Center of the FMA of Fragagnano (Taranto - Italy) with the proposal "Alternative active summer".

Summer 2020 Camp dedicated to the care of Creation

FMA and SDB of Latina propose to children, animators, and aides, "Summer Camp 2020" with the theme "Up for the Earth".

“Special Summer” at Nuoro (IRO)

Domenico Savio oratory of Nuoro (Sardinia), of St. John Bosco Province (IRO), kicked off the Special Summer for children and teenagers.

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