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Assemblee ispettoriali PER

Lima (Perù). Dal 12 al 16 gennaio 2025, nella Casa ispettoriale di Breña, Lima, e dal 18 al 22 gennaio nella Casa di Spiritualità...

Entry into the unified novitiate CINAB

La Ceja (Colombia). On 3 August 2022, in the International Novitiate of St. Joseph, of La Ceja, Antioquia, in the Province of St. Mary...

Walk together for a new world

(Peru). St. Rose of Lima Province of Peru (PER), following the Resolution of the XXIV General Chapter, proceeds on various levels to involve the...

Transmission of the 24th General Chapter – PER Province

Lima (Peru). From 17 to 21 January 2022, in online mode, the Provincial, Sr. Elsy Núñez, and the Delegate, Sr. Rosa Mollo, shared the...

130 years of Salesian Presence in Peru

Lima (Peru). The Province of St. Rosa of Lima (PER), along with the whole Salesian Family, celebrated the 130th anniversary of the arrival of...

With Mary Help of Christians, “yes” until the end

On 22 May 2021, the Lord of Life introduced Sr. Matilde Nevares Vidal, Daughter of Mary Help of Christians, General Councilor for 18 years, to the eternal Easter.

Webinar on Mary Help of Christians in difficult times – Peru

The Peruvian Province of "St. Rose of Lima" (PER) is organizing a series of webinars on Mary Help of Christians in difficult times, from 26 May to 4 June 2021.

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