Tag: RCG
Journeying towards the “yes forever ”
From 4 to 18 July 2020, in Castelgandolfo (Rome), 12 FMA Temporary Professed of the RMC Vice Province and 2 from the Generalate lived the experience of the first and second month of the Second Novitiate.
Christmas Greetings to Mother General and the General Council
On 23 December 2019, at the FMA Generalate in Rome, the Novices of the International Novitiates of Rome, Via Appia Nuova and Castelgandolfo, and the Communities of the Preprovince Mary Mother of the Church (RMC) in Rome, expressed their Christmas greetings to Mother General, Sister Yvonne Reungoat, and to the General Council.
50th anniversary of the Foundation of the FMA Generalate
On 7 - 8 December 2019, on the Solemnity of Mary Immaculate, the celebrations for the 50th anniversary of the founding of the FMA Generalate in Rome were concluded (11 October 1969 - 11 October 2019).
The person at the center of the economy
From November 4 to 23, 2019 at the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in Rome, the Formation Course for New Economers was held.
Pre-Chapter Assembly RCG
On November 1-2, 2019 at Rome, the Pre-Chapter Assembly of the Generalate of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians took place.
I abandon myself to God’s fidelity
(Rome). On June 24, 2018, at the General House in Rome, some sisters of the RMC Preprovince and of the General House, celebrated their...