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Tag: RMC

FMA accompanied#accompaniers of quality

On November 23, 2019 the Temporary Professed of Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince (RMC) gathered in Mother Ersilia Canta community in Rome for a day of formation.

Preprovince Chapter RMC

The first Chapter of the new Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince, established in 2017, was held in Santa Rosa house in Castel Gandolfo, from 1 to 3 November 2019.

Passion for the young

Subiaco (Italy). On 4 and 5 October 2019 the first formation meeting for the Temporary Professed of Mary Mother of the Church Preprovince took...

Preprovince Assembly RMC

Rome (Italy). On 2nd and 3rd September 2018, the Second Preprovince Assembly took place at the site of the Auxilium Faculty. "Mary Mother of...

Triennial Verifica RMC and RCG

Rome (Italy). From 27 to 30 June 2018, the Triennial Verification of Mary, Mother of the Church (RMC) and the General House (RCG) took...

I abandon myself to God’s fidelity

(Rome). On June 24, 2018, at the General House in Rome, some sisters of the RMC Preprovince and of the General House, celebrated their...

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