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Tag: Synod

With The Young Toward The Synod Inter-Sector Journey

Rome (Italy). The General Councilors and the Sector collaborators of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians have chosen to journey...

With the Young toward Synod 2018

Rome (Italy). The Pre-Synod Meeting is taking place in Rome with 350 participants, including young people from all over the world, Christians and non-Christians,...

The Church Listens to the Young

Rome (Italy). More than 300 young people from the whole world are gathered in the Vatican at Mary, Mother of the Church School, from...

Dal MGS al Pre-sinodo

(Roma). L’evento del Sinodo sul tema "I giovani, la fede e il discernimento vocazionale", unico nella storia della Chiesa Cattolica, coinvolge a livello mondiale...

Youth Pre-Synodal Meeting

Rome (Italy). On February 16, 2018, the Press Conference was held at the Press Office of the Holy See on the Pre-Synodal Meeting that...

A synod on the young is also synod on the Church

Rome (Italy). The Documentation Section of the YP Sector, of the FMA Institute Web Site, published n. 12 of the Youth Pastoral Series. This...

Laboratorio Giovani fede e discernimento vocazionale

Roma (Italia). L’Ambito Pastorale dell’USMI nazionale ha organizzato, a Roma nella sede USMI, dal 9 al 10 febbraio 2018 il laboratorio «Religiose/i e Sinodo»...

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