Roma (Italia). Il 9 ottobre 2021, è stata eletta Consigliera Visitatrice dell’Istituto delle Figlie di Maria Ausiliatrice Suor Celine Jacob.
Le Consigliere delegate dalla Superiora Generale a visitare l’Istituto FMA hanno il compito di promuovere un rapporto costruttivo e continuo tra le Ispettorie e la Superiora Generale e il suo Consiglio e una valida collaborazione tra le varie comunità ispettoriali.
Con il loro servizio procureranno di offrire al Consiglio generale una migliore conoscenza della realtà dell’Istituto, potenziando l’azione apostolica, valorizzando le varie culture, in piena fedeltà alla Chiesa e a Don Bosco. (C. 132)
Un caloroso applauso ha accolto la proclamazione ufficiale.
Hearty Congratulations!!!! And God’s Blessings….
Heart Congratulations dearest Sr. Celine Jacob. I feel proud of you and wish you all the best in your new Mission which you will accomplish holding the hands of our Blessed Mother trusting in our Lord Jesus for His greater glory.Be sure of my daily prayers for you. Love and wishes from everyone.
Sr.Rosily Theckanath FMA (INK)
Hearty congratulations 🎉 dearest sr Celine. We are proud of you 😊. Will support you with our prayers and sacrifices. May God bless 🙏 you abundantly. May you be always guided by the Holy spirit.
Congratulations dear Celine. You are in my thoughts and prayers,. Sending Irish blessings.
Kathleen Taylor
Congratulations dear sister
Hearty congratulations Dearest Mother Provincial Sr. Celine. We are happy of your election and feel proud of you. Our fidelity, support and prayers will always follow you. May our Lord and our Lady lead and guide as you take up this new responsibility. Love and wishes from everyone.
Sr. Josephine. S (INK)
Hearty Congratulations dear Sr. Celine. We, VDBs’ of Kolkata group along with all VDBs in India assure you of our prayers n support as you take up this important task for HIS glory n spiritual growth of your congregation.
Hearty Congratulations dear Sr. Celine. Our prayers n support go with you as you take up this important task for HIS glory n spiritual growth of your congregation.
Heart congrats dear sr Celine!